
Thank you for joining in my daily rosary.

There a few guidelines, but otherwise this is just plain, simple prayer time. Before I get started, let me please ask that you not copy any of the images from my Lady's psalter. The backgrounds and some other images will be credited as well as I can, and almost all of the psalter's images I have been very graciously allowed to borrow from Michael Shea. Please go visit his Immaculate Heart for a wonderful tour of his gallery and some beautiful prayers and novenas. He has a fuller assortment of images of our blessed Mother, plus several related images, as well as National Shrine entries linked to quite a few.

Thank you very much, Michael, for allowing me to use your images.


1. This site created and best viewed on MSIE5.0+, 800 x 600, 24million colors.

2. To progress through the rosary in an orderly manner, use the small "button" after each prayer.

3. The large image at the top is intended to reflect the intention of the mystery for reflection purposes.

4. You will notice a large chart at the end of the beginning prayers. Pick the day, click the image--okay?

5. At the end of each decade, you will find 3 prayers with images. Only the last image is a "button". (~~smile~~)

6. At the end of each set of Mysteries, you will find 2 "buttons"--the first will take you to the ending prayers, and the second will take you to the next set of Mysteries.

7. Prayer should not be a chore. Relax, and as the prayers start to feel repetitive, you will notice your attention wandering. Try not to wander too far afield, but focus rather on hearing God's Words to you today. The repetitive nature of the rosary is to keep your "busy" side busy, so the inner you can really get into true Prayer--that is, true communication with God.

8. To get started, simply click the rosary image below, and may God bless you and keep you.

Our Lady's Psalter

Before leaving, please sign my guestbook, so I may visit you (~~smiles~~)

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Come check out the Catholic WebRings Our Lady's Psalter belongs to.

The background set was created by SleepyHead, specifically for this site.

The button's image is from Sr. Bea, with her permission.

Page created 23 Oct. 1999, by SleepyHead.

Site url= http://ourladyspsalter.50megs.com