11/15/99 21:00:49 GMT
Name: Mystic (LOTH) |
MY URL: Visit Me |
Location: Canada |
You story of the loss of your son and the hardships you had to endure touched my heart deeply. I am so glad to hear all worked out in the end. I know no one can ever replace your dear little Robby, but thank god for your husband and 3 daughters! You are a very strong and inspirational woman. I comend you!
11/12/99 21:51:14 GMT
Dear Sister: I'm Simone, a Brazilian LOTH. Loved being here. You really touch us as we feel your love for Robby. Certain of them come like him, for a couple of days... Bless you, Simone.
11/12/99 18:20:28 GMT
Hi Rene, What a wonderful site this is. Tears came to my eyes while reading Your Story. I am so impressed with your honesty and applaud your courage.
May God bless you and your family,
~ Colleen ~
11/12/99 01:38:51 GMT
I'm out of words! Tears ran out of my eyes with your story. I can only say your the bravest woman I have ever met (eventhough we haven't spoken), and I truly admire you. I have a child and I my worst nightmare was to loose him after birth. Thank God it didn't happened. But, you had to live that nightmare and as a mother I kind of feel some of that pain. I'm glad you never gave up. God is a complete mistery, but He's also love and He granted you with the beautiful kids you have right now! Please, don't you ever give up!! Blessings from your LOTH sister!
P.S. - Thanks for signing my guestbook and for the beautiful award!

11/11/99 23:54:30 GMT
Hey, what location you talking about????
I'm from Louisiana if that is what you mean.
You also have some beautiful gifts.
Maybe you might think about putting this reference thing on another page or two????
Love ya
11/11/99 23:49:02 GMT
Once again I visited your site. This time I toured the awards pages. You have many beautiful awards and most deservedly so.
I still think you should write a book.
Love ya
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